The Easiest Way To Compose Orchestral Music


Best Service/Sonuscore hit a home run with this. An almost absurd amount of high quality content! For what it is, TOC does not have any “weak spots”. Given the improved instruments artics, if you needed one, laptop-friendly tool to quickly create compelling scores, TOC would be very hard to beat, especially at this price. Loving the MIDI export! – Satisfied Customer
I really cannot find any serious faults with The Orchestra Complete. The additional benefits this new edition brings to the table enhance the flexibility of the original in a number of important ways to make the upgrade almost required buying.
The oboe, in particular, is wonderful sounding, even with its minimal dynamic control.
I am a huge fan of Sonuscore libraries; not only do they sound great, but they also have one of the best workflows on the market.
Highly recommended.
I commented on the original Orchestra review on how quick and easy scoring with the library was, and nothing has changed. This is by far the best tool to have open when brainstorming ideas. I love the multi patches for instant gratification, and the individual instruments are now even better sounding than before.
The sound of the full tutti orchestra performing a slow riser is amazing and quite scary sounding – perfect for spooking the neighbours!
A wonderful library for both novice and professional composers. Top-notch sound, flexible instrument selection and innovative features. Has Sonuscore surpassed itself again? Undoubtedly yes.
The Orchestra is an all-in-one epic orchestra encapsulating the same easy one-finger workflow from their other titles, making this perfect for those wanting to get up and running quickly with some rather convincing sounding pre-scripted arrangements.
The new MIDI-Export feature is excellent. (…) It’s a very clever feature that is perfect for songwriting. You can put together some rough ideas in your DAW using a piano or whatever your preferred instrument is, then feed that into the Orchestra for a fleshed-out orchestra arrangement.
Best Service/Sonuscore hit a home run with this. An almost absurd amount of high quality content! For what it is, TOC does not have any “weak spots”. Given the improved instruments artics, if you needed one, laptop-friendly tool to quickly create compelling scores, TOC would be very hard to beat, especially at this price. Loving the MIDI export! – Satisfied Customer
I really cannot find any serious faults with The Orchestra Complete. The additional benefits this new edition brings to the table enhance the flexibility of the original in a number of important ways to make the upgrade almost required buying.
10 reviews for Best Services – The Orchestra Complete 3