予めご了承ください。 This is a medium sized advanced combat helmet made by MSA. As you can see, you get the rails, shroud mount, tan helmet cover, chin strap, extra chin strap, and helmet pads. The helmet itselfis also a custom painted pattern in which you can see in the photos. Please inspect the photos carefully before purchasing. This is rated level IIIA. On the NVG shroud one of the screws was too short so a longer one was used and grinded down. There were three open holes on top of the helmet possibly used by some device in which I am unsure of. The holes were sealed with metal and bondo then patched with truck bed liner. Any questions, please PM me. The original screw plus two bigger screws are included.BY PURCHASING THIS YOU AGREE THAT I AM NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT COULD OCCUR UPON DROPPING YOUR ITEM OFF AT THE POST OFFICE! I PACK THESE AS BESTLY SECURE AS I CAN WITH WHAT I HAVE AT THE MOMENT DURING PACKING THE ITEM TO BE SHIPPED! YOU ALSO AGREE THAT IF YOU USE THIS FOR PROTECTION OF ANY SORT (PROTECTION AGAINST FIREARMS, SHRAPNEL, DEBRIS, ETC.) THAT I AM NOT LIABLE FOR ANYTHING THAT COULD GO WRONG! ONCE YOU BUY THIS IT IS NOW YOURS AND YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! PLEASE DO NOT BUY IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS!Hello and thank you for possibly showing interest on my conversion and non-conversion helmets. This is just a side hobby I do to make some profit. Sometimes I don’t make much profit or none at all. I just do this because I enjoy it. Unfortunately, I have to up the prices a bit more due to tax and fees I have to pay on my end.I’m going to answer some common questions people ask. This is for both conversions and non-conversion helmets:Q. Will you trade?A. No.Q. Do you accept returns and give refunds?A. I no longer do. Only happened once and things went wrong. Buyer ignored me and didn’t send item back after a refund which was wrong on my part. Q. I am not satisfied with this. Can I get my money back?A. Sorry not sorry. Read the previous question and answer. I specifically specified to review the pictures and read description as well as asking any questions privately. I try to put everything in the description to the best of my knowledge as I may forget something. Hence, ask questions before purchasing.Q. Does converting a helmet by cutting off the sides and/or front seam decrease the protection of the Kevlar?A. Yes, it does. Me personally I prefer to have a non-converted helmet over my head.Q. Do ballistic helmets lose their integrity overtime?A. Yes, they do but upon my research you're talking about 60 years for it to completely lose its protection.Q. Why do you do this?A. Because people like high-cuts nowadays and don’t want to pay full price (typically $800 - $1,500) for an actual one.Q. Why would you damage such a helmet?A. I tend to usually work on the ones that have been through some chaos. I try not to convert ones that are in new or almost new shape. I have worked on helmets that I wish I did not convert because of how good in shape they were. In which, I do have regret on those. It is what it is.Q. Do you take request?A. Yes, but you have to pay in advance first to avoid me being scammed if that is your intention.Q. Are you an expert at this?A. No, not yet. I’m still learning as I go. Please check out Kustom ACH. He does this too but does a lot better than I do. I try to charge less than he does because I’m not as good as he is.Q. Do you only do conversions?A. No, I take other helmets and upgrade them with an up-to-date look and newer items.Q. Do you know I’m butt hurt now and want to start an argument with you because you did this?A. Good for you. I don’t care. Move on with your life. If you keep messaging me, I’m just going to block you so you can claim your ‘I wOn An OnLiNe ArGuMeNt’ troll crown.Q. I served in the military so do you know that I know more than you?A. So did I. Again, I don’t care. I know others that served in the military as well and will side with me still. Thank you for your service!Q. Are you a business?A. No. I am an individual who works in my garage on these. Yes, I do have an actual job.Q. How long does a conversion take?A. To start I cut the ear protection off and the front seam (for the PASGTs and LWHs only) in which this takes about 15-30 minutes. After sanding the edges, I then use epoxy on the edges and wait for it to fully dry. I try to give it between 12-24 hours before I do anything else. Painting the helmet, attaching the equipment, etc. You are talking about 2-3 days. Sometimes longer. It all depends on what I have going on between home and work. 落札時の注意事項/良くあるご質問 【お支払いについて】 弊社ショップでは、クレジットカード決済またはPayPay残高払いのみ対応しております。 商品情報を十分にご確認いただいたうえで、商品を落札いただけますようお願いいたします。 東京税関の指導により、個人輸入の配送先はお客様(輸入者)のご自宅住所1か所で、個人の氏名に限定されております。 そのため、配送先が個人の自宅住所以外になる場合は、購入はお控えください。 商品説明 商品名 MSA ACHelmet Medium Tan ( MSA ACHelmet Medium Tan ) 商品画像一覧 商品説明 ※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。 【お取り引きのキャンセルについて】 落札成立後、出品者とのお取引が開始しているのでキャンセルはできません。 【お届け先のご住所について】 セカイモン店で落札いただいた商品は、個人使用を前提として商品の通関を行っております。 【送料について】 セカイモン店で落札いただいた商品は、全て送料無料でお届けしております。住所が会社や法人、団体などの場合は商用とみなされ、通関できない恐れがあります。 落札金額以外にお支払いいただく費用はございませんので、ご安心くださいませ。 よって商品の配送先は、個人の住所を登録してください。 万が一、お支払いの確認ができない場合には、購入のご意思が無いものとして、お取り引きをキャンセルとする場合がございます。